


We designed a house on a hill overlooking Lake Biwa. The owner who is a dog lover required to enjoy living with his dogs. We chose a single-story house with a courtyard so that he could stay outdoors while preserving privacy of the house from the neighborhood. The courtyard overlooking Lake Biwa has become a cozy, warm and luxurious outdoor space with an indoor atmosphere. The interior of one room is somewhat divided by bending around the courtyard, creating a slightly different space. We would be happy if a favorite place is chosen according to the season and time, creating a generous and comfortable living atmosphere like drinking coffee at a table overlooking Lake Biwa in the morning and taking a nap on a large sofa near the courtyard in the afternoon.

竣工年 2020年 | 用途 住宅 | 延床面積 65㎡(屋内部分) | 所在地 滋賀県大津市 | 構造設計 EQSD一級建築士事務所 三崎洋輔
Photo|Hiroyuki Hirai

受賞歴 日本空間デザイン賞入賞 JIA関東甲信越支部 住宅部会賞2023 10宅選・室伏次郎賞

出展歴 滋賀県立美術館「滋賀の家展」(2024)

掲載メディア 雑誌「GA HOUSES 178」 「住宅特集 2022年2月号」 「エル・デコ」 2024年4月号 毎日放送「住人十色 日本鉄鋼連盟の広報誌「ファインスチール」
architecturephoto ArchDaily designboom

ブログ https://designit.me/wani1/